Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Nick’s leaving drinks & Natural History Museum

Nick’s leaving the UK at the end of the month to live the good life with his girlfriend in Auckland. He will be well missed, although I think I’ll go well in his old room once I put up a few pictures & rearrange it a little. So in the ancient kiwi tradition, instead of sitting around getting messed up & reminiscing about all the good times while crying our asses off, we booked out a club, got messed up & were witness to the debut of New Zealand’s next top DJ...DJ Nick! (He may need to get a snappier name).Everyone had a great time getting their funk on & I even managed to mess up a few photos.
Then on Sunday a bunch of us went to the Natural History Museum to see the Wildlife Photographer of the year. Unfortunately we were unable to take photos while in the exhibition so I can’t show you any of the photos, including an amazing shot taken by a TEN YEAR OLD GIRL!
Now the actual museum, the building is really cool in that ‘older than the ages’ kind of way that most buildings in London do. Plus there’s a Brontosaurus skeleton in the foyer.For some reason looking at the skeleton made me remember milking cows back on the farm so I had to get a photo of the view you would have while milking them.The rest of the museum is fairly cool with over ½ a millions animals in preserving jars & a life size blue whale model.But please remember when you do hang your whales to do so in a place that can be easily dusted otherwise they look a bit silly after a while.Plus I’ve decided I’m pro stem cell research. Why? Because I want one of these as a pet.Or one of theseOK then, I’m looking forward to Xavier & Holly coming to visit this weekend. Have fun


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