Thursday, December 22, 2005

Rodis' Xmas message, plus additional bulb wheezing

Christmas is for most of us a time for observing religious festivals, taking a break from work, for family and friends, for presents, turkey and crackers. But we should not lose sight of the fact that there are also people around the world who will be having none of that & are just going to have a really good time.
As well as enjoying one’s self, one should take some time with ones self at this time of one’s year to reflect on the year that one has just live…with one’s self. (We think referring to one’s self in the third person is one of the coolest things about writing one’s Christmas message).
Looking through the news of the year we see that it has been an eventful year with big news such as the end of the world being nigh due to Tsunamis, Earthquakes & Hurricanes striking different parts of the world, Proof that the war on terror is seriously effecting the terrorist training due to them failing dismally in London & utterly in Sydney.
But more interestingly proof that although the world is rather messed up, it’s messed up in a hilarious ways. For just one example one read about how a person in New Zealand, feeling that NZ was being left out of this climate of world terror, attempted to fly his plane into the Sky tower in Auckland… & failed utterly by flying around Auckland for over an hour & not being able to find a tower that is over twice the size of all the other buildings in the city. Also the weirdness that is Tom Cruise…in general…Go Scientology!
Religion and culture are much in the news these days, usually as sources of difference and conflict, rather than for bringing people together. But the irony is that every religion has something to say about tolerance and respecting others.
Here we would like to thank & say Merry Christmas to the ladies of different countries & cultures I have meet this year (Not taking anything away for all the dudes we’ve meet as well but lets face it guys, Girls are WAY more interesting) be you from Commonwealth countries like Australia, Canada or New Zealand, the mother country itself or somewhere more exotic like Egypt, Malaysia or Argentina you have in your own unique way brightened our life and the lives of people around you.
As for news about one’s self. We have done a count & calculated that we have lived in 7 residences this year, more than one every 2 months. Have finally pulled ones finger & got to the UK, got new piercings & then removed them, watching one’s F1 team drop even more down the ladder, but more importantly had far too many amazing times with far too many amazing people to mention here.
So in closing one would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas & an even Merrier New Year.
From the keyboard of
His Royal Lordship Sir Rodney of Turua the first…& last


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