Tuesday, November 29, 2005

OK so first things first...

I still haven’t got a job, but at this point am not too worried. I know I’ll get one; it’s just a matter of time… & maybe not being a picky little princess who is only applying for the perfect jobs.
Let’s face it, I’m only going to be in London for 9-12 months so I’m not quite sure why I really care about what I do while I’m here.
And no ladies I’m sorry but that doesn’t mean I’m becoming Rodis Bigalow: Cockney Gigolo…Not that I wouldn’t have a shortage of customers. It just means I’m going to start applying for... Helpdesk jobs errrrrrrrrrrrr.
“Hello. Welcome to service deck. You’re speaking with Rodney Tuck. I like long walks & candle lit dinners.”
“Yes sir I know it’s my fault your PC isn’t working. “
“Absolutely sir, yes we did break your PC on purpose just to hear your sweat sweat voice.”
“Yes sir I know that if your PC isn’t fixed this instant the Earth will stop spinning & life as we know it will cease to exist.”
“What was that sir, you forgot to press the big button on your PC?”
“Of cause, I should have came in early & turned on your PCs for you.”
Owwww I just can’t wait.
On a lighter note, I went to the Tate modern last Friday. Now that is a much better form of art gallery. It’s an old converted power factory and the entrance into the old turbine hall is quite cool. They had a wicked structure in the hall (The only place you can take photos) which is made out of about 14,000 different sized boxes & it puts to shame ANY fort I ever made as a kid. Granted, I recon I could have sent the whole thing tumbling to the ground in 5 sec if I had had a tennis ball, so my forts were better.
The Pablo Picasso’s were OK but the Andy Warhol’s kick ass! That was one very funky monkey! Mum can I send home I self portrait like his to replace the boring professional one you’ve got of me?
Also went to the Jeff Wall Exhibition while I was there. Some of his work is awesome like ‘Sudden gust of wind’ made up of over 100 different photos taken over a year, ‘Dead troops talk’ a fantasy photo of some killed soviet soldiers suddenly being re-animated, & my favorite one ‘The Flooded Grave’ in which an open grave in a cemetery has a rock pool in the bottom of it. Again a montage made up of over 75 shots & again no postcard in the gift shop! I’m coming to the conclusion that the established artsy fartsy types don’t like my taste in art. I say a revolution is coming & then they’ll get their comeuppance. Yes comeuppance for all!!! (Did I spell that right Ali?)
I then wandered over the Thames to have a gander at St Paul’s Cathedral… it’s very big & you get very cold went taking photos on the Thames.
Apart from that not much else is happening. Had yet another MASSIVE Saturday with the ABs getting the clean sweep & The Kiwi’s winning the league (Almost had me wishing I was back in Oz…then I thought about it & went narrrrrrrr). Of cause now that the sport has stopped I’m sure we will be having a quite one this Saturday & just sit around playing board games…yeah right!
Here are the photos
Rodis out
The Turbine hall
Notice the top of the fort in the background
The Fort
They look like ants
What I would give for a tennis ball
St Pauls
I hope you all like the picture because after taking this photo my fingers were numb for an hour.


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