Monday, December 12, 2005

What's been happening in my world Part 2

The Heinkel: The first fighter jet. Now that is cool
Little boy: As dropped on Hiroshima.
I’m fairly sure this is just a copy since last time I checked metal evaporates at over 300,000°C. 70,000 people gone in one go... yeah that’s sane.
The Spitfire: I don’t know how many models of these I made as a kid. I do remember taping double happys to them & blowing them up.
Note for non kiwis ‘Double Happys’ are fire crackers, & before you ask I don’t know why they are called double happys because you can not buy just standard ‘Happys’
Thunderbird 2 … Well it is green like the other Thunderbird 2
This is fairly cool. According to the info by this clock there were ‘100 million people killed as a result of conflict last century’ therefore 1 person dies from conflict every 30sec…ouch.
This is the amazing part. This counter hit 100,000,000 at midnight Dec 31 1999… Maybe I’m missing the point but personally I’m staggered by the amount of co-operation shown by the human species to get that total spot on midnight. All it would have taken was 1 gung-ho American GI (Like there’s not enough of them) to stuff it up & then the math’s would have been much harder to work out.
British 15 inch gun – For some reason I felt very inadequate standing by this.
The houses of parliament - waht else is there to say?

Sub note: Rated PG
I had an absolute ball on Saturday night. A whole bunch of us went down to ‘The Long Room’. Funky little club & they had the ‘Fitness First’ gym staff post Xmas party drinks there…Yay!! At the same time one of the flat mates are trying to pick up this Lithuanian chick so I’m trying to play wingman & distract her friend who can maybe speak 3 words English… Good luck Rodis. So I’m running around seeing if little old me can hook into any of the gym bunnies when I bump into these chavettes I meet in the same club a couple of weeks ago & their friend, this cute little blonde trainee beautician. Long story short the flat was a circus until 4am in the morning when we got rid of the chavettes & Dave was a gentleman & walked the eastern block girls home. PS I think a good English girl could rap faster than the boys from bone thugs ‘n’ harmony…man they can talk.


Blogger JR Gamble said...

Wow, you have a nice collection of pictures.. :)
^^ my collction of space pics, i will reach the 999 limit eventually :)

6:55 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Tuck - some of your information is incorrect.

The Jet fighter is the He-162 salamander, the 2nd operatoinal jetfighter in the world, not the first. The Me-262 Swallow was the first (mind you they were both German).

Double Happies - oh yeah! Mix them in with the skyrockets and your models could really fly (for a brief time)!

No 2nd guesses who this it!

11:02 pm  

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