Friday, December 30, 2005

The Tower Part 1

The Tower
Did the Tower with Will yesterday…how to sum it up?.. Ech.
I don’t know, It wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t that good. I think it was the crowds of Yanks, Frogs & Wogs…Plus all the other nationalities…I have come to the conclusion that I dislike people. Now don’t get me wrong, individually I’m sure that most of them are very nice people & after a few drinks I could most probably find an American that I liked (Yes Mon I know you’re an American & yes I think your wonderful) but in tightly confined spaces I get the urge to do the old “I’m going to swing my arms at high velocity & walk forward. If you get in the way of my fists, that’s your fault”. And then there are the children, (Obviously excluding blood relatives) lets just say that several children moved away from us at speed & we got some very dirty looks from parents…which we retuned whole heartedly.
Now back to the tower…It’s old, very very old. Older than New Zealand old. Six times older than New Zealand old!
Some times they didn’t quite get it right like the Wardrobe tower in the 12th century, which isn’t very…well very there anymore See
Other times they got it very right like in the case of the White Tower that was completed by 1100 & is still standing. Mind you it has been renovated a few times over those 900 years. Very castle like
The White Tower is the home to the main armory so you get to see loads of ...armor (Surprise, surprise), swords, lances, guns and these funky little gun shield things that I forgot to take a photo of. Simpsons. Glove slap, baby glove slap Lance

The Tower Part 2

Anyone need a sword? Or maybe a gun. So how do you get at the ones up the top?
Then there are the other towers where you can see the cooler & darker side of the site.
Like Wakefield Tower where they display instruments of torture. Nice rack baby. The Scavenger’s Daughter. For keeping you warm on those cold Tower of London nights through body warmth…it expensive to heat an entire cell

The Tower Part 3

Then there’s Beauchamp Tower where you can see ye olde graffiti(e). Bet that took longer than 30sec & I imagine it say’s something more profound than ‘Rodis was here’, ‘Mt Albert Massive’ or ‘Gaylin Gangsters’
Also you can see the crown jewels. But the line to get in is over 200m long & to be honest I’ve never really given that much of a darn about the bling bling. So we just pointed & laughed at the people in the line for a wee while.And tried to annoy this guy. Jokes about his Mum being so fat she has small planets orbiting her blew straight over him.
& I had to have a photo with a Beefeater. I’m fairly sure he was pulling gang signs under his cape & I had to throw in a pic of the Ravens…because they are cool, and a little badass.
OK then I’m off, as I have to start getting into the right frame of mind for tonight. Because of instead of the whole New Years Eve party thing I’m doing the New Years Eve Eve party at Fabric so will most probably be a little tender & lacking in sleep tomorrow. To make anyone who cares jealous as hell, here’s a peek at some of the lineup tonight. Dillinja, Grooverider, Highcontrast, Ratpack & Funky Flirt
See ya on the dark side.
Have a wicked NY

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Well not really, more of a heavy frost. Still it's a start.
Come on 2006 show what ya can do
PS Xmas update to follow.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Rodis' Xmas message, plus additional bulb wheezing

Christmas is for most of us a time for observing religious festivals, taking a break from work, for family and friends, for presents, turkey and crackers. But we should not lose sight of the fact that there are also people around the world who will be having none of that & are just going to have a really good time.
As well as enjoying one’s self, one should take some time with ones self at this time of one’s year to reflect on the year that one has just live…with one’s self. (We think referring to one’s self in the third person is one of the coolest things about writing one’s Christmas message).
Looking through the news of the year we see that it has been an eventful year with big news such as the end of the world being nigh due to Tsunamis, Earthquakes & Hurricanes striking different parts of the world, Proof that the war on terror is seriously effecting the terrorist training due to them failing dismally in London & utterly in Sydney.
But more interestingly proof that although the world is rather messed up, it’s messed up in a hilarious ways. For just one example one read about how a person in New Zealand, feeling that NZ was being left out of this climate of world terror, attempted to fly his plane into the Sky tower in Auckland… & failed utterly by flying around Auckland for over an hour & not being able to find a tower that is over twice the size of all the other buildings in the city. Also the weirdness that is Tom Cruise…in general…Go Scientology!
Religion and culture are much in the news these days, usually as sources of difference and conflict, rather than for bringing people together. But the irony is that every religion has something to say about tolerance and respecting others.
Here we would like to thank & say Merry Christmas to the ladies of different countries & cultures I have meet this year (Not taking anything away for all the dudes we’ve meet as well but lets face it guys, Girls are WAY more interesting) be you from Commonwealth countries like Australia, Canada or New Zealand, the mother country itself or somewhere more exotic like Egypt, Malaysia or Argentina you have in your own unique way brightened our life and the lives of people around you.
As for news about one’s self. We have done a count & calculated that we have lived in 7 residences this year, more than one every 2 months. Have finally pulled ones finger & got to the UK, got new piercings & then removed them, watching one’s F1 team drop even more down the ladder, but more importantly had far too many amazing times with far too many amazing people to mention here.
So in closing one would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas & an even Merrier New Year.
From the keyboard of
His Royal Lordship Sir Rodney of Turua the first…& last

Monday, December 19, 2005

No one likes us, We don’t care

We are Millwall
Super Millwall
We are Millwall
From the Den!

I went to my first football game on the weekend. Oww yeah baby I’ve got the bug. OK it was only a Coca Cola Championship (3rd division for you Kiwis) game of Millwall (Bottom of the table) Vs Reading (Top of the table) but about as big a super 12 game. After a couple of pick me ups before the game we were feeling 12ft tall & ready to get right amongst it with the chants. The atmosphere hits you like a sucker punch. OK there may have only been about 8,000 people or so, but they are just a little more vocal than any antipodean crowd. Apart from the main chant above (starting with the title), here are a couple of my favorites.

Is your missus?
Is your missus?
Is your missus as fat as you?
Sang to a tubby Reading fan trying to give us grief

YYYYYoouu're goin 'ome in a Landan Amb-ul-ance
YYYYYoouu're never make the station!
YYYYYoouu're never make the station!

When i was just a little boy
I asked my father what will i be
Will i be Arsenal, Will i be Spurs
Heres what he said to me
Milllwalll Millwall Milllwalll Millwall Millwall
Not that it matters but we got drilled 2-0. For the last 20 minutes of the game you could feel the tension rising, we were 2 down, one man off with a red card & the dirty one eyed ref kept pinging us while not seeing the Reading scum do the same thing!! But in the end it didn’t kick off so I still haven’t seen a football riot, & no J we didn’t try singing “Fight for your right to Paaarty” Then on Sunday we had the flat Xmas dinner since half of them are shooting off to Switzerland for Xmas (Don’t ya just love Europe). So I did my first ever Xmas ham, complete with pineapple & crisscrossed skin on Friday all by myself & with the help of Nick & Aaron did a massive Xmas turkey with roast veggies yesterday.

We had sooo much food; it looks like its Turkey and/or Ham Sammies for the next week or so.
OK then I’m off to play some Playstation.Burp!

Monday, December 12, 2005

What's been happening in my world Part 1

OK fine you’ll correct & I’m sorry for doubting you. Good that should pacify all the 'naggy know it alls' that have been telling me to go to the Imperial War. . WOW that place has soo much stuff!! I was in there for well over 3 hours & could have very well stayed longer if it wasn’t for all the school children in there… After 3 hours of them I had to leave before I picked up a couple of the smaller one to throw at the bigger faster ones. Having to leave so soon did mean that I have only seen about half of the place so will have to go back soon
Here are some pics Now I'm sure this is the tank in 'Raiders of the lost Ark' but according to the info sign it's British? So I have worked out that either
a) The museum got it wrong (Could happen, you should never trust a strange museum (It's kind of like stranger danger but with museums))
b) Hollywood lied to us (NEVER!!)
c) The Nazis fighting Indiana Jones were a bit slow & stole a British tank. (That sounds right since anyone would have to be slow to take on Dr Jones (still the coolest guy ever apart from maybe Han Solo)).
The Tamzine: The smallest boat to take part in the evacuation of Europe from Dunkirk to England, I bet that would have been fun
The V2; The second ballistic missile. (A gold star to anyone who knows the name of the first?)
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve blown one of these up in a computer game I’d have well over $10. The Sherman tank: As driven by 'The Shermanator

What's been happening in my world Part 2

The Heinkel: The first fighter jet. Now that is cool
Little boy: As dropped on Hiroshima.
I’m fairly sure this is just a copy since last time I checked metal evaporates at over 300,000°C. 70,000 people gone in one go... yeah that’s sane.
The Spitfire: I don’t know how many models of these I made as a kid. I do remember taping double happys to them & blowing them up.
Note for non kiwis ‘Double Happys’ are fire crackers, & before you ask I don’t know why they are called double happys because you can not buy just standard ‘Happys’
Thunderbird 2 … Well it is green like the other Thunderbird 2
This is fairly cool. According to the info by this clock there were ‘100 million people killed as a result of conflict last century’ therefore 1 person dies from conflict every 30sec…ouch.
This is the amazing part. This counter hit 100,000,000 at midnight Dec 31 1999… Maybe I’m missing the point but personally I’m staggered by the amount of co-operation shown by the human species to get that total spot on midnight. All it would have taken was 1 gung-ho American GI (Like there’s not enough of them) to stuff it up & then the math’s would have been much harder to work out.
British 15 inch gun – For some reason I felt very inadequate standing by this.
The houses of parliament - waht else is there to say?

Sub note: Rated PG
I had an absolute ball on Saturday night. A whole bunch of us went down to ‘The Long Room’. Funky little club & they had the ‘Fitness First’ gym staff post Xmas party drinks there…Yay!! At the same time one of the flat mates are trying to pick up this Lithuanian chick so I’m trying to play wingman & distract her friend who can maybe speak 3 words English… Good luck Rodis. So I’m running around seeing if little old me can hook into any of the gym bunnies when I bump into these chavettes I meet in the same club a couple of weeks ago & their friend, this cute little blonde trainee beautician. Long story short the flat was a circus until 4am in the morning when we got rid of the chavettes & Dave was a gentleman & walked the eastern block girls home. PS I think a good English girl could rap faster than the boys from bone thugs ‘n’ harmony…man they can talk.