Tuesday, April 03, 2007

That weird sport with a round ball

Hi all
I moved into my new flat in Clapham over the weekend. Great location & my new flatmate seems quite cool, I’ll run around with my camera soon & post some photos.
Last week the lads from work organised the casual game of football (That’s soccer for the true blue Kiwi’s & Aussies). This was bit of a laugh, since the last time I had kicked one of those round balls I was in primary school. After working out that you can’t pick the ball up, or tackle the guy with/near the ball we had a great time. Plus we were playing in Hyde Park, so every now & then I had to stop & realise the Buckingham palace is 1000m that way & Marble Arch is 600m that way. Granted I’d then get a dead arm from a team mate for daydreaming & letting a goal through.
Here are some pics

PS If you look closely at that last picture you’ll see me do a great & completely legal tackle on Trent.
PSS Cheer to CRUK’s photographer Fiona for the snaps.


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