Monday, February 27, 2006

See ya later mate

We'll be having a few beers for ya...Have some sizzlers for us

Nick’s last weekend in London

Ok first things first.
I’m now working on the Helpdesk for Cancer Research UK; it’s fairly boring as the English seem to feel hard done by if they actually have to work, I think I’ll fit in nicely. It’s more than keeping the wolves from the door but hopefully I’ll be able to find something better, which can offer me sponsorship.
Also, just like how after working in construction on the water front in Auckland I now claim that I single handedly built Princess Wharf, from now on I will also be claiming any future cures for cancer as my own.
‘Copy write 2006, Tuck the Funk, Patent pending’
Plus I have moved into Nick’s old room tonight, so I finally have my own room for the first time since the middle of Oct last year. Guess I’m finally getting sorted; I was never one to rush things.
The people who have been regularly reading this blog you would know that Nick’s leaving, which although I have been gagging for a room I would have quite happily lived on the couch for the rest of the year if it meant he could had stayed. (My flat mates may not have been so happy for me to live in the lounge all year though)
So it was a case of ‘Once more into the Breach, dear friends’ & we all ran off ‘The Langley’ in Covent Garden for more leaving drinks. A great night had by all (Some of us more so than others) & then back to Marlow Court for tea & scones.
Here is a selection of the Pics taken.
Get it down ya son!
I either have to put in some practice or just give up on the 'Blue Steel'
Owww Mighty burgers

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me

Yesterday was my 28th, so it was a matter of a few prelims at home & bunch of us toddled off the Fabric of a night of dancing & debauchery. The night started badly with us being stuck on the Circle line for about 25min within sight of Farringdon, but from then on it was all coming up Rodis.
Earlier in the night (John, me, some random & Will)
Later (Nick, Xavier, Holly & me) (God I’m photogenic)
It was a really amazing night with Roots Manuva, Rodney P & Skitz playing very funky sets. Unfortunately they started playing hard house at about 5ish so we left.
I’m feeling just a little bit tender today so if you’ll excuse me I’ll curl back up on the couch & watch some more Top Gear.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Just a quick update

I’m starting work for Cancer Research tomorrow.
Not as a test subject, just in IT, should be fun.
OK Bye all.
PS Thanks mum it’s really cool

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Another daytrip around London

Oww what a lovely couple
I went for a massive wander from the top of Oxford Street through Soho to Covent Gardens yesterday with Xavier & Holly, picking up Jay along the way. Nice day had by all but the idiots kept following me, so the walk was quite a bit longer than needed.
Yes I know I do a crap 'Angry Dragon' (I think I'm going to have to practice my movie poses)

Monday, February 13, 2006

School Disco

So I’ve heard of this great idea for a night club where all the girls dress up in tight white shirts & very short pleated skirts…sounds tops…apart from being in Hammersmith (That’s just silly).
So with Xavier & Holly slumming it in London for the next week or so (Dublin’s so hot right now) I had the great idea of going to school, actually it was Xavier’s idea.
Yes I know that I do a poor 'Blue Steel"
Tips for going to School Disco:
1) You will need to be very very drunk (I wasn’t even close)
2) Go with a decent crew (playing 3rd wheel is not advisable)
3) & it helps if you’re between 18 & 21. (I felt like a dirty old man at some points).

In the end I did have a OK time…I mean how can anyone feel blue with Bryan Adam’s ‘Summer of 69’ blaring, closely followed by Bon Jovi’s ‘Living on a Prayer’…Yay for the 80’s.
This brings me to my point (Yes every now & then I do have one). As stated earlier, the average age at this thing was about 20. Now ‘Living on a Prayer’ was released in 1986, so the only reason I can think of that these kids like this music is that it was playing when they were in the womb…Fat Boy Slim or late Prodigy would me more in line with what they were listening to when they were in high school wouldn't it?
Kids these day!
On the job front, I’m off to do some construction work so I don’t have to get a crap IT job.
OK then… be good.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

How cool does this look?

Just to clarify, I’m not supporting McLaren…But the new paint scheme is fully pimping.

Nothing says 'player' like chrome baby!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Nick’s leaving drinks & Natural History Museum

Nick’s leaving the UK at the end of the month to live the good life with his girlfriend in Auckland. He will be well missed, although I think I’ll go well in his old room once I put up a few pictures & rearrange it a little. So in the ancient kiwi tradition, instead of sitting around getting messed up & reminiscing about all the good times while crying our asses off, we booked out a club, got messed up & were witness to the debut of New Zealand’s next top DJ...DJ Nick! (He may need to get a snappier name).Everyone had a great time getting their funk on & I even managed to mess up a few photos.
Then on Sunday a bunch of us went to the Natural History Museum to see the Wildlife Photographer of the year. Unfortunately we were unable to take photos while in the exhibition so I can’t show you any of the photos, including an amazing shot taken by a TEN YEAR OLD GIRL!
Now the actual museum, the building is really cool in that ‘older than the ages’ kind of way that most buildings in London do. Plus there’s a Brontosaurus skeleton in the foyer.For some reason looking at the skeleton made me remember milking cows back on the farm so I had to get a photo of the view you would have while milking them.The rest of the museum is fairly cool with over ½ a millions animals in preserving jars & a life size blue whale model.But please remember when you do hang your whales to do so in a place that can be easily dusted otherwise they look a bit silly after a while.Plus I’ve decided I’m pro stem cell research. Why? Because I want one of these as a pet.Or one of theseOK then, I’m looking forward to Xavier & Holly coming to visit this weekend. Have fun

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Big Decision of 2006

Of cause I’m not talking about the Palestinian elections, oh no this is much more important & world effecting.
The old school Kiwi boys will realize how detrimental this choice can be. (McLaren are still recovering) But the big changes, purchases & moves of late 2005 left me with quite a conundrum to puzzle on. With BMW leaving Williams to create it own team & Honda doing the same from BAR I was pulled 3 ways.
Honda RA106
Do I go with Honda who was the first car I ever owned (It was not a hair dresses car!) & also the power plant behind the Williams glory days?
BMW Sauber F106
Do I go BMW who make the coolest production cars out of the European F1 car manufactures? (Yes that includes Ferrari, just because you feel inadequate in some areas)
Williams FW28
Or do I go with Williams who have fallen on hard times of late but are still a great team & who have never been scared to look outside the box? (Even if it seems to be a hindrance more than a help ½ the time) We’ll see how the new gearbox works out.
Well after thinking long & hard on the issue (One of the few benefits of unemployment) I have reached my decision.
It’ll be Williams of cause!
I hope they win but in reality with a new engine it may take them a few years to pull them selves up, the same with BMW. Honda should be expecting to be at the very top fighting with Renault.
Good to see New Zealand doing so well in A1 & bring on Bahrain, March12.
Rodis out