Sunday, June 18, 2006

Visits, BBQs & Summer finally arrives

Finally the sun has turned up in England…I hear we only have it for the next 2 days. It now starts getting light at about 4am & stays light until round 10-10:30. Can be a bit miss leading when you go for after work drinks, you think it’s only 7 by the light but it’s more like 9:30. I must say the Brits go absolutely nuts over the tiniest piece of reasonable weather. All they need is a slightly overcast day & they flock to any park or public place, strip off & start complaining about how hot it is.Plus I’ve been receiving visitors left right & centre…well left & right anyway.
Supermen doing the super pose!
On Wednesday Xavier & Holly popped in on their way to live in Toronto for the next year or so & Gareth arrived on Friday with a special guest Bart. So because I wanted to show my guests the best time (Well mainly any reason to get back there) we all shot off to Fabric. Had an awesome time there, even if Gareth did get distracted on the way by an ex. Freestylers live rocked the house in a massive MASSIVE way. From then on I lost track of exactly who was playing where – Who can keep up with at least 12 DJS in 3 different rooms? – But I do remember an old Prodigy anthem coming up about 3am – Better than a red bull. The rest of the weekend was recovery with Xavier & Holly shooting off on Sun morn so a few more drinks with Gareth & Bart before they left to violate Europe.
Bart mustn't have found the joke as funny as I did
Then when I though I was in for quite weekend I find out Jay was having a BBQ…so I stayed & did another Jigsaw…NOT! Off to Tooting Bec we went, after Starting the day at 8am in the local touch rugby club house watch the ABs win –just- over Ireland, British F1 Qualifying & watching England get off to a shaky start in the World Cup (That in Soccer Kiwis) against Paraguay.Marlow Court for life!
Needless to say after a day like that we were well prepped for playing in the stabbing capital on London & play we did! Top marks to Jay…Well worth the hour tube down there.Blue Steel...some do it better than others
So not much else to report at the moment apart from World Cup fever has very firmly gripped England with the call monitoring screen at work being hijacked for the games.


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6:32 pm  
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12:58 am  

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