Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Mmmm Motor sport

Last week a crew of us went to the A1 final. Man have I missed the smell of soft rubber & racing fuel.After shenanigans getting home the night before (Note to self: Don’t fall asleep when on the last train home) I had only had about 3 hours sleep & with Chris & I being our normal disorganised selves we got to Brands Hatch with only 20min for the pit walk. Still we got to see the Kiwi car up close & personal, laugh at the aussies (Why not) & laugh at the Poms as the pushed their car down the pit lane.Then we sat down to watch the best sport in the world – bar West African Tiddlywinks, which is played the same way as normal Tiddlywinks but using cane toads & matches instead of coins.- We had a great seat thanks to Fiona being organised & arriving on time.
If you haven’t been following A1 here’s a quick run down. Germany had run off with the title very early on in the session but New Zealand, Great Britain & France had been fighting for the scraps all season.Going into the final weekend we were sitting on a comfortable 16 point lead over GBR but that all changed after a first corner incident when we lost our front wing, meaning we finished the sprint race in 16th & out of the points. By comparison GBR won the race easily taking 8 points & also racking up the fastest lap of the weekend giving them another point.
With the point’s difference now reduced to 7 points we had to place no less than 8th if GBR won the main race to keep second place in the championship. This was going to a hard ask as you start the main race in the position you finish the sprint so while GBR were on pole we were way back in the pack on 16th.
The main race was brilliant with South Africa taking out Australia in a 1st corner altercation. Germany & GBR had a stonking battle up the front with Germany just beating them to take the championship in style. This meant the little battlers from the south Pacific only had to claw our way up to 9th place…did we? Did we ever!! Up to 8th in the race meaning the nuclear free bare footed hippies from down below are now the 2nd best racing team in the world!...Now if only the NZ government would help out motor sport a fraction as much as they help out our yachters we could be “Kings of the World”!

Also Brands Hatch must be one of the most beautiful race tracks I’ve ever been to, with the back forest straight part in particular rocking the caz bar.F1
Well the circus heads back to Europe this week & the season looks like it’s going to be yet another amazing year with 4 drivers vying for the top spot. I’m still holding my breath about Williams, we are looking fast but so is the rest of the very large mid pack. Here are the stats:
Driver ChampionshipConstructors ChampionshipGrid PositionsPlacings

Monday, April 23, 2007

You can get sun burnt in England

I was woken up at some ungodly hour yesterday with a phone call exclaiming “Get your arse out of bed; we’re going to the beach!”, 20min later Chris & I were on the way to pick up Jay & Matt. After the mandatory Macers breakfast we arrived at Camber Sands, regular readers will know I went there last year, once again it did not disappoint.

On the way home we cruised into Dover to check out the port & the white cliffs…Very cool.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Fiona's Birthday Drinks

Fiona & her Hubby....Shaun....Shane????
Fiona! How many men were you with that night? You tart!
"Hi I'm Rod"..."Hi I'm Todd"
Every one loves drunk guys singing...It's what England was built on
I don't understand why the Ford Modelling Agency never called me back.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Owwww Behave!

Planes are cool-End of discussion
The photo’s of the flat are coming ….I’m waiting for Ikea to deliver the flat-pack drawers etc so I can move my clothes from piles on the ground to piles in drawers then I post some pics.
So I hope everyone had a great Easter, mine was wicked with BBQs, F1 (I’ll give a F1 rundown afte
r the away races & the teams are heading back to Europe), games of football & drinking galore, but the highlight would have to be a daytrip down to Brighton on Monday.
After getting up early for F1 qualifying on Saturday & then the race on Sunday the 9am start for Monday was virtually a sleep-in. So off we went to the most famous beach resort in Briton …& the gay capital of Europe.
A little over an hour later
we were rolling into Brighton play ‘I spy with my little eye….A rainbow flag’ First ine to spot one won fish & chips. Chris won but was disqualified due to him having been to Brighton before ….Plus his gaydar is a bit too accurate …if you know what I mean.
Anyway a great day wandering around checking out the West pier, Brighton Pier, the Royal
Pavilion & the high street cracking extremely poor taste jokes about men named Sven & soap.

Sunbathing in a suit...Only in England
Views from the West Pier
Views of the beach
Royal Pavilion
I know who I'm using next time I'm looking for a flat

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

That weird sport with a round ball

Hi all
I moved into my new flat in Clapham over the weekend. Great location & my new flatmate seems quite cool, I’ll run around with my camera soon & post some photos.
Last week the lads from work organised the casual game of football (That’s soccer for the true blue Kiwi’s & Aussies). This was bit of a laugh, since the last time I had kicked one of those round balls I was in primary school. After working out that you can’t pick the ball up, or tackle the guy with/near the ball we had a great time. Plus we were playing in Hyde Park, so every now & then I had to stop & realise the Buckingham palace is 1000m that way & Marble Arch is 600m that way. Granted I’d then get a dead arm from a team mate for daydreaming & letting a goal through.
Here are some pics

PS If you look closely at that last picture you’ll see me do a great & completely legal tackle on Trent.
PSS Cheer to CRUK’s photographer Fiona for the snaps.