Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Jack Frost is a sneaky bugger!

Last year Mr Frost was singing & dancing & jingling his bells to inform us well in advance, that winter was coming. This year he’s snuck up behind us & smacked us over the head with a piece of 4x2!If you look close by the tree you can see squirrel tracks in the snow.
Last year we had our first gentle smattering of snow on December the 27th. But this year it has been extremely mind...Wet at times but never really cold, that changed this week.Last night I woke up at 4am with an orange glow floating through my curtains…I my half awake state it took me quite some time to work out that outside at night is not orange. So still very much asleep but thinking that maybe the neighbours apartment was I fire & rolled over & looked out….TO SNOW!!!! Of cause I had forgotten that street lamps reflected off snow cast the entire night bright orange.Hey it was 3am & I forgot the turn the flash off…So sue meMuch better

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ka Kite Ano to Shannon & Craig

Darn the crew just keeps dwindling! First to go was Shannon so it was off to ‘The Dog & Truck’ – can there be a manlier name for a pub? Plus it had computer server adverts over the urinals…Super cool – where we were reacquainted with darts…That is going to have to be mandatory for my next local. Once again a great night but it’s going to suck not having Shannon about but he should have a ball in NZ.Then on Sat just been we had Craig’s flat breakup party. He’s only moving so Cardiff so this one wasn’t nearly as sad…in fact it was quite fun.
Hoping for more pics soon

Monday, January 01, 2007

A brilliant Christmas but a VERY poor New Years

OK so I’m now sitting in my lounge chilling after what has been a very intense fortnight.
It stepped up a notch, when I caught up with the old Promina crew of Chris, Scott & the lovely Emma. It was looking like a standard Friday night & when Emma excused herself to go visit her friend who had just entered the breeder ranks, I was working out what I was going to order from ‘Best Grill’ on the way home. Then Chris came back from the bar with a cheeky grin & a handful of sambuca shots…A few more rounds of the good stuff & it was off to Clapham to catch up with another of our old Sydney mates Jolene (Non Promina) for shenagins & ended up catching the 7am tube home.
Then the 20th with the CRUK Xmas do. A great night, even though it was a Wednesday so we all had to shape up for Thursday. It must be one of most uneventful work Xmas parties I’ve ever been to with no one being caught snogging in the stairwell. So Vince, James & I decided to liven things up, by demonstrating some great dance moves…like ‘The Lawn Mower’, ‘The Happy Cowboy’ & my personal favorite ‘The Water Sprinkler’.Friday & work finished at 3 so by 3:05 we were all in a warm all be it very crowded pub. But I couldn’t stay, as in a mere 4 hours I was meeting up with C&Z to see Millwall play Scumthorpe in The Den. Once again we lost 1-0 (Go figure we’ve won the following 2 games 4-1!). It was freezing with a forecast temperature of -2 but it was warmer in the ground…Let’s say 2 degrees. Still that didn’t stop the lads fronting when some West Ham mugs thought they could wander into The Den uncontested, silly Muppets! Christmas Day. I was up at 5:30 to call the Whanau back home. It was great catching up with everyone (I really should do it more than twice a year) & found out my big sis & brood are moving to Tauranga. Then we had a classic travelers Xmas with most of the flatmates, Adam, Stacey, Fletcher & Jolene. What a massive massive day, not least because of Adam’s Nintendo Wee. I never thought I would like a Nintendo, the DS is pants & the Gamecube…well the least said the better, but the Wee is just brilliant. If you don’t know what it is, basically instead of pressing buttons like on a Playstation or an Xbox, the system can sense the position of the controller. So when playing baseball you just hold the controller like a baseball bat & swing at the correct time. My favorite games were Tennis & Golf & for a full on cardio workout try boxing.
Then came New Years…& for the first time in my life food poisoning. For the 2nd year in a row I watched the New Years fireworks on TV. Last year was fine as it was completely self infected but this year I had a great night lined up, but instead I was curled up on the couch watching crap TV trying to keep water down! Oh well 2006 has been a fairly rough year so I’m OK finishing it roughly just as long as 2007 shapes up better. On the bright side I did lose the all the weight I put on over Xmas. I lost 12kg to come back to a very twight 80kg, the lightest I’ve been since I was about 21…..Who says bulimia is a bad thing?
Happy new years all….Photos to follow.