Thursday, November 30, 2006

Poker Night

Just a quick shot of the lads breaking in the new poker table last night….once again I failed to place!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Photo update

OK People I know they're a bit late, but better late then never
Here's Wellington Arch. It was a complete fluke but the truck cab in the right of the pic is an Aussie man'n'van Truck...I just can't get away from the buggers!

OK then onwards to Speaker's corner

There were Christians, Muslims & Jews. All going for gold but I must say the guy in the cardigan was the only one preaching via guilt….Always the 2%

These were the fun ones.
I can’t remember what the guy in the red jacket was ranting about, but I do remember that the Yank kept popping up all over giving his 2 cents…Gee that doesn’t sound like Americans. If your wondering which one's the flag-waver, he's the one draped head to toe in labels.
The middle guy I think was confused & thought he was at Juggler’s corner.
The last is the crazy guy who was explaining that black on white sex was as bad as what South islanders, Welshmen & Tasmanians say they don’t do…honest they don't.
I love this lady. I like to think of her as the little ranter who could.
Bless her, I wanted to give her £10 so she could buy a bigger soapbox to stand on.
I just liked the way this little dude was scooting around making people jump out of his way, he was having a ball. Plus his dad kinda looks funny yeah?

What? This is just a cool 4pm.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Flash Fellas & Mad Men

Sorry I’ve been a bit slack with the blog lately but to be honest with winter defiantly making its presence felt, getting ‘out & about’ is harder than normal…& lets face it I am pretty lazy.
Just to give a bit of an update, sponsorship is still on the cards but is taking longer than expected due to a staffing freeze at CRUK.
Also to get a few extra folds in my back pocket, I’m working the odd Saturday for ‘Aussie Man & Van’. They’re a removal company so basically I’m just doing what I’ve done for mates moving flats for years but get paid more than a couple of beers for it. I jumped behind the wheel last Saturday which was ….fun after not driving for about 4 years & then looking after a 3.5 tonne truck, but all that bloody farm work dad made me do as a kid kicked in & I didn’t crash or run anything over while I was reversing….Cheers Pops.
A couple of weeks ago I popped along to an art exhibition celebrating 60 year of British art at the Hayward Gallery. The main reason I went was for this great British artist Bridget Riley, who I saw in the Sydney Mod Art Gallery. Her works would remind anyone who has dabbled when they were younger of more ‘interesting’ times. Unfortunately there was only the one piece by her & it was only about 1m x 1m compared to the works I saw in Sydney which were up to around 5m by 10m. Still there was some very cool stuff there by other artists but yet again no postcards of them in the gift shop. I just don’t get the stuck up sales assistants in gallery gift shops, it’s almost like they are toying with me.
Also on the Sunday just been Craig & I checked out Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park. I have been meaning to get there for ages & now that I have been….I’m going again this weekend!!
It’s great with the Muslims, Jews & Christians battling it out against the ‘Atheist Christian’ (No I couldn’t work that one out either) & the ‘We are all God & all religions & atheists are right’ guy (I think you have to be able to contradict yourself to be a speaker). Rounded off with the guy who is a ‘T24’ sent back in time (This is in reference to the terminator movies (The yes I know they were T800, T1000s etc)) & the guy who was explaining that all diseases came from the White man & if there were only Black people in the world it would be an Eden…Oww & having relations with a white person was the same as having relations with sheep…..nice guy. Sorry the pub calls …..Photos to follow