Friday, April 21, 2006

Arrr me hearties there be Pirates about

So after 5 months of living the high life I thought I would pop down to a quant wee fishing village for a quite weekend, & to make it even quieter I thought I’d play 'Captain Fifth Wheel' with two couples. Since I’m from the…bottom of the world we headed for the bottom of England. So got up at 5am & after traveling 5 hours were to the fishing village of Mousehole (pronounced Moss-hol) about 5min out of Penzance.Yes you heard me right Penzance the centre of all things piratey in England and therefore pirate-ness throughout the entire world back when England ruled the waves.We stayed in ‘Author’s Cottage’ which is a fairly new cottage, only twice as old as New Zealand. It had been remodeled so I wasn’t sleeping in a hammock & only whacked my head on the roof about 3 times. (Man the people of yore must have been really short)So after walking around the village in the arvo we proceeded to play a little game my big sis taught me called THREE MAN.
So after only just over an hour we were 'slightly' intoxicated & ready to hit the local & find a figurehead for this captain, but all I found was a dry dock filled of locals, couples, more couples, old seadogs & more couples…Go figure that single people don’t go to romantic, sleepy little fishing villages to hook up. So what did I do? Meet the locals & old seadogs and had a ball.

So at 4am, finding myself in a strange living room & realizing that I had about 20min to find my bed before I passed out, I found the benefit of a small village on a hill…Walk down the hill & you’ll find a part of the village you recognize.
So the next day was a bit quite, although I did get reinforcements in the way of another single guy, Matt & we did manage to make our way to Land’s End at night … It was…dark.The next day we popped over to St Michael’s Mount (I'll resist any coment St Michael's Mount) that you can only get to at low tide.It was built back in 1135 & in its history it’s been a monastery, the hideout for traitors (I’m sure there must be pirates somewhere in there) & is now the residence of Lord St Levan who seems to be really really nice (or really really broke) since they let hundreds of people through his house every day. Then back home for Matt, Chris & I to make a Sunday roast & have a few winesMonday was taken up with traveling…UK style…11 HOURS BLOODY TRAVELING!! (See that’s why I waffled about my travel time at the start) Granted we did spend an hour looking around Newquay which is meant to be one of the better surf beaches in the UK…It doesn’t hold a candle to any NZ beach.But near the end of the day we did travel past these cool monolith thingies.
OK then talk to ya soon
Here hoping Williams score some more points this week & maybe even Button scoring his first GP victory.
Note to the Aussie crew…Guess where I’m going to retire!
For non Aussies ‘Goon’ is what the Australians call cast wine…Mmmmm cast wine…bring your own pillow.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

CU Will & the V&A

OK first off Good bye to Will, you’ll be sorely missed…Hopefully Colleen will be touring NZ soon.

Smile dude!
Now I know I’ve been slacking off lately with the blog but 2 weekends ago I took the girls to the V&A Museum (I’m such a player)…ohh & Will tagged along.
All in all the V&A isn’t really my cup of tea. What with its fashion section, Owww they have Dianna’s ‘Pearl Dress’ & a display for this pink tracksuit!What looked like ye olde endlish Hope Chests, About 300 busts of random people and ‘The Silver Room’.Although it may sound gay, but all I could think of when in there was ‘Some poor bugger has to polish all of this’
So I’m tagging along in the museum thinking that listening to girls about what museum to go to wasn’t one of The Rod’s smartest moments, when Will shows us into the ‘Cast Courts’…Now this is cool! Basicly this is where they take plaster casts of sculptures that the British couldn’t steal off the rightful owners like Trajan’s Column (Above) or Michelangelo’s David (Below)
Hehe…I thought it didn’t get cold in Italy.
Plus the photography collection was pretty cool. Like this one which I forget the name of the photographer. Oh and once again none of the postcards in the gift shop were of any of the pieces I like!
OK then I’ll update this soon as I’m off to Penzence this weekend for Easter. Aharr singing pirates…I am the very model of a modern Major General! (Yes I know he’s a Naval Officer not one of the Pirates!)

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Jasmine!

Is she not the cutest gangster ever?