Monday, September 22, 2008

Roma Part 2

OK sorry for how long these updates are taking but I have a lot to do these days both in work life & play life.CIMG0419

Anywho where was I…ow yeah snobbing the pope & wandered down to Castel  San Angelo (I now realise that this is the castle when the Hassassin died in Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons.) From there we walked through the main shopping district –Maybe the downside of a 19072008145women navigating?- where there was a Ferrari store, but not just any Ferrari store we’re talking about the Ferrari store in the capital of Italy…It was huge & had so much awesome stuff, all of it quite  expensive. I could have spent all day in there but after a more than reasonable amount of time 19072008147Zoe dragged both Chris & I out by our ears.

From there we wandered to Piazzo del Popolo with it’s huge obelisk then struggled up Pincian hill in 40°C heat for a very 19072008148 cool view of the city. Then we wandered  down to the Spanish steps past this cool statue of a highwayman (I have no idea if he is a highwayman but I can’t read Italian & this is my blog so I can write what I 19072008150 want). The Spanish steps are a bit of the let down & the annoying rose hustlers came very close to getting a clip around the head but on the  other hand the Fontana di Trevi is absolutely 19072008152breath taking, if a little crowded. After a quick detour past the “Monumento Nationale a Vittorio Emmanule II” -which is pretty cool in a very macho Italian way- we made it to the Pantheon & an expensive pint in the square outside it.19072008157

We were now on the home stretch and heading to Piazzo Navona which was long, cobbled & again had an obelisk in the middle of it (Thought I was in Rome not Egypt) crossing 19072008162the Tiber we found a really cool café down the back of a bunch of tiny little streets that did a succulent Majito – But not as  good as the ones in sunset Ibiza.20072008168

The plan was to stop at a supermarket, grab some beer, wine & nibbles to have in the hotel room as we got 20072008173ready for dinner but after the epic walk, as soon as our feet left the floor & the craic started we weren’t going anywhere…well Zoe wasn’t,  at  10:30 she decided it was time the men proved our  hunting skills & sent us out to fetch her dinner.20072008174

We didn’t have much to do the next day except see the Coliseum, and to be honest there not much I can say about it that you all wouldn’t  already know. Apart from that after movies like Gladiator & Ben-Hur I expected the floor of the Coliseum to be a lot bigger that it really is. After that we only had enough time for one more amazing Italian meal & to say our goodbyes before catching the plane.20072008177

What an amazing weekend & a big thank you to Z & C.