Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Silly games, Deer hunting, Liquor & the Greatest show on Earth

Firstly congratulations to the South Africans on their RWC victory - That actually hurt to type - Big ups to England for showing everyone up (especially their anti-Christ press) They also made a lot of very noisy Kiwi's & Aussies to eat their words. Those of us who know New Zealand's stella record in World Cups knew to keep tight lipped as pretty much everyone tried to congratulate us on winning the cup before the competition had even started...Ow well what's the bet we will dominate the game for the next 3 years?
Craig & I went to Richmond Park last Saturday & shot a few deer - Sorry for the dad joke, yes I shot them with a camera. We were lucky to even get there, after I read the map on Thursday & for whatever reason decided that Richmond Park was to the side of Kew Gardens - Note for non Londoners, Kew Gardens is on the north side of Richmond & Richmond Park about 2 Km south - Opps sorry Craig. When we finally got there we found that the park is rather large, 2360 acres - Europe's largest urban walled park. It was quite nice to go walking in the 'country' & there were deer everywhere. The deer really aren’t that big which made it even funnier to see grown men flinch when what is basically a big goat looks at them funny. Great views all over the place & we made it back in time for qualifying...but more about that later.The other weekend I shot out to Romford to check out Matt's new place (Very nice - but in need of blinds). It also gave me a chance to try something I been meaning to rap my laughing gear around for a while - Pie, Mash & Liquor! Now I'm the first one to admit that it is not the most attractive looking plate of food but that is just the reason I had to try it. If what they say about enjoyment of eating being 30% vision then this must be one of the tastiest dishes ever because it looks like $#!%. Turns out I was right (again) it tastes great, still nowhere near a Kiwi steak & mushroom - But it's not fair to judge the world’s pie against ours-. After the game we moved on to chatting up orange Essex girls - YANG!
This weekend just gone was bonfire weekend...I think we are the only country outside of Britain that celibates Guy & friends failed attempt at sorting out British red tape. Now to be honest before Friday I thought I was over fireworks...When living in Sydney they seemed to have a fireworks display every other week - I was really excited about this when I first moved into the harbour apartment & would run & tell Nick or whoever was about, but after several 'shows' that were a little better than a $9.99 "Boom Box" from the Warehouse I gave up caring... As I was saying on Friday I meet up with Chris & Zoë for a few cheekies. We were late getting to the display (I think I explained how I was over fireworks) but I was very pleasantly surprised, the display was amazing -costing much more than a sneaky fifty - & went on for at least 40 min. So the next night when the current fireworks blowey uppey champions were going to do their thing in Battersea we decided to get there on time. They did not disappoint & the correct amount of owws & arrs later we all clapped & went looking for a place for dinner...We found a place with great food, reasonable prices, nice staff (If not enough of them) & the dodgiest toilets I've seen (No kiddies here). OK off on a road trip this weekend so come back soon ya hear.

F1 report:
Well done Kimi - Maybe next year Lewis - Come on Massa & Crash Alonso no one likes you! ...Apart from maybe Jared.
As much as it would have been cool for Lewis to take the championship Kimi deserved it, he won 6 races to Lewis & Alonso's 4. My views on Kiwi are fairly well known but it does seem he's the biggest party boy on the grid so I have to give him credit there.
The whole Alonso thing has had too much press so I'll just leave it as he's a price prat & I feel real sorry for Ron Denis!
Williams: The train is back on the tracks & if we can hold it together as well as hold onto Rosberg for a couple of seasons we might be able to get back to the glory days but I think the big thing will be to hold off Red Bull & hopefully take a pop at Renault & BMW next year.
