Tuesday, September 26, 2006

So long, good bye

Well it’s been a month of saying good bye…But have said hello a few times as well.
Firstly Craig popped in on his why to Italy so we caught up for…a few.He’ll be back in a couple of weeks & I’m sure we will get up to shenanigans aplenty.
On a much sadder note Chenoa left us today to live with her man Will in NZ, and to join the NBS (Newton Bike Society), the BMX gang I have left as caretakers of the MAM’s (Mount Albert Massive) territory back in Auckland.This of cause meant that there was yet another leaving drinks to go to, this time at a funky little cocktail bar called Ruby. Hats off to GT for organizing the whole thing including the leaving book & of cause to Chenoa for having so many cool friends. An awesome night had by all with much hilarity & concoctions for all. OK some of us caused a bit more hilarity than others but I still maintain that ‘The Sprinkler’ is still one of the coolest dance moves ever.Cheers for all the good times Chenoa, now go get yourself a white picket fence with Will. You crazy kids!Also this month Michael Schumacher announced that this would be the last year he would be driving in F1…Ding Dong the Witch is dead!No, that’s not fair. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t like MS (Insert swears & curses here) but credit where credit is due, he is the greatest driver of our time (That actually hurt saying). 7 time world champ maybe 8 (too close to call) not to mention the 100s of other records he owns…ok here’s a couple
  • Most world titles: 7 (1994, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004)
  • Most consecutive titles: 5 (2000-2004)
  • Most wins: 90
  • Most wins in a single season: 13 (2004)
  • Most wins with one team: 71
  • Most pole positions: 68
  • Most front-row starts: 114
  • Most points scored: 1,354
  • Most consecutive podiums: 19 (USA 2001-Japan 2002)
  • Most 'clean sweeps' (pole, win, fastest lap): 22
  • Largest points gap between champion and runner-up: 67 (2002)
  • Only driver to have finished every race on the podium: 2002
Man 2002 sucked if you didn’t like MS, anyway the guy was good.
Now onto the 3 race championship, I think anyone who watched the opening race in Malaysia in March know we were in for a great season but I don’t think anyone thought it would come down to the wire like this…or how badly Williams would suck after the first 5 races. All I can say is hold on to your hats & please oh please Lord let Williams get a couple of points before the end of the season.
Oh & Go the Mighty Swaneys this weekend...Second year baby!!!